Strengthening the bond between parent and the school in order to build a successful path for the child.
Our Current Projects
Helping your child succeed
An on-line and off-line program that helps bridge the gap of an absent parent and the involvement in their child's education. This program will encompass classes on tutoring your child for their homework, communication with your child, parent and the childs teacher.
Development of an American Legion Post inside Correctional Facilities
Reentry Roads has worked with American Legion members of Post 201 to outline the roadmap in which a facility can follow to develop a successful and contributing POST to incarcerated Veterans. Our Partners at Workbay are digitizing the roadmap for use on tablets for other state incarcerated veterans to follow. Future plans also include a workbook to follow. See the Article published in the American Legion Magazine March 2023- 37623a_2b8d28d5b6ab4b15be3e22b93f96e0f9.pdf (
Lets Talk!
Reentryroads has assembled a group of formerly incarcerated individuals with overwhelming and touching stories of their life lessons, mistakes and advice they would deliver to their younger self, Reentryroads will facilitate in person or virtually to any groups that may benefit.
Stay connected
Connect through tablets or kiosk.
Coaching on rewarding connections, assistance with homework, parent teacher conferences and more.
Solving connect-ability issues
In most cases, tablets residents already own can be used, other cases may utilize Kiosks and depending on the specific facility tablets may be provided for check out or assignment to the resident.
Our Future Projects
Facility Management for the correctional professional through incentives and normalization.